Your Recipe for a Soul-Aligned Brand

May 21, 2021 | Blog

Your brand is unique – as unique as YOU are.

Every ingredient, every element needs to be calculated, lovingly crafted and mixed to your very own, bespoke recipe.

Why? Well, if you have ever looked at a sunken cake and felt about your brand the same way, you know you need to go back to basics.

The good news is, going back to basics gets you further, faster.

Here is what happens time and time again:

  • We buy a recipe book from an expert.
  • We weigh the ingredients carefully.
  • We are diligent in getting the right blend, the right temperature, only for it to fall flat, time and time again until you want to give up.


But here is the secret: that recipe worked for THEM, and you are a totally unique human being.

When we examine where you are right now, and ask some key questions, (re)branding your biz becomes easy, and most of all, it feels like YOU!

That’s where the magic ingredient truly is.


I work with my clients to help them answer some key questions:

  • Where you are now?
  • What’s going wrong with your messaging?
  • Which elements of your brand feel in and out of alignment?
  • What are you doing that’s not converting clients?


Too often we become so disillusioned that we lose the energy and the willpower to look at our brand with a fresh perspective – a deflated feeling takes over, and then we feel like a failure and want to give up.

I want to reassure you that you aren’t the only entrepreneur to feel this way.

This is often when people resort to cut and paste formulas and blueprints, which may work to a certain extent, for some people, but they are not THE answer.

To get to the heart of your personal brand, you have to communicate the most authentic version of yourself, which means you have to be bold enough to abandon certain facets of your current brand and get creative, and speak from the deepest parts of yourself – that is YOUR brand secret, the unique formula that’s totally and uniquely YOU.

You see, YOUR winning brand recipe has you at the heart of it.


No-one on this earth has your unique blend of skills, perspectives, experiences and outlook on life.

YOU are the secret ingredient that was missing all along, and those so called “failures’ are just a disconnect from what’s truly possible.

The magic is that alignment between what you love, who you are, and your ideal clients.

So, what can you do to resolve that disconnect?

It starts with getting in touch with your passions and values, and to re-align yourself with why you started this journey in the first place.

To reimagine your business and brand so the energy that goes out is from the right place, you serve the right clients (with the right message), and it all becomes easier (and yes, it’s ok for it to be easy!).


Let me tell you a story.

A few years ago, after making a huge pivot in my business, I had a huge brainwave for a new offer, and whipped up the messaging in a matter of minutes. (which would normally have taken me hours!)

I felt from my very soul that this was something my ideal clients needed, and I fell in love with the work I was creating. The product, the messaging, and the way I showed up was in total alignment with my audience. Everything about it felt authentic and right.

Rather than struggling with sales funnels, scripts, templates and clunky moving parts, that offer flew off the shelf. It sold out within hours, and it felt amazing.

You can go beyond the blueprints and formulas when you have that level of brand clarity, when you plug back in to what makes you so beautifully, uniquely, YOU.


When your brand message has the magic, missing ingredients, anything is possible.

That constant cycle of trying to fathom what to say, and writing anything for the sake of being visible, stops.

That feeling of throwing spaghetti at the wall and wondering why this isn’t working for you? That’s gone too.

That sweet spot between who you are, what you love, who and what you serve, and the energy and vibe of your brand, is your brand recipe for success. When you are in your full, powerful alignment and flow, the buzz attracts clients to you like a magnet.

To review your brand message, click here to have a 90-min one-to-one power session >> Brand Message Audit

In our session we will review your website messaging + identify what’s working, what’s out of alignment, and what to improve for your soul-aligned, NEXT-LEVEL success! 

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