Entrepreneur Spotlight focuses on amazing ladies who are rocking their online businesses.
This week we have the lovely, Personal Branding and PR Coach, Izabela Nair.

Hi Izabela, What’s your business name and what’s your business all about?
I’m a Personal Branding & PR Coach, and Founder of Her Style Hive. I work with introverted female entrepreneurs to help them get more visible so they gain clarity, attract PR opportunities, and become recognised as leaders in their fields.
I recently rebranded as I originally worked as a Style Coach. As much as I loved helping women discover their unique style, I felt that there was much more I could do to help them powerfully show up online and build businesses of their dreams. As a PR professional by trade, it made so much sense to me to expand my services and teach women how they can market themselves.
My work is built on three pillars: PR, confidence and style. I’m a firm believer that style is much more than the clothes and make up you wear. Style is also about your body language, attitude and how you present yourself. Your style comes from being totally comfortable and at ease with yourself. It’s about sharing your personal story with the world and shining bright like a star.
What was your “Big Why” that drove you to start your business?
Before I launched my business, I ran a personal style blog and met many who were hiding behind the computer screen.
As an introvert, I know first hand how difficult it is to overcome insecurities and pluck up the courage to pursue your dreams.
Ever since I remember, I preferred my own company. I never put my hand up in school despite knowing the answers to the questions. People often made me feel like an outsider, because I preferred to read books rather than party until the early hours.
I was shy and felt like I was not good enough to achieve what I wanted. Despite my love for fashion and dream to become a blogger, I had a hard time getting out there.
When I initially launched my blog, the fear of being judged stopped me from promoting my work. I was shy to get in front of the camera and tell others what I do. I thought everyone would laugh at me.
After spending a lot of time on personal development, I made the decision to re-launch my online space and pursue my passion. My budget for clothes was limited but that didn’t stop me from developing my signature look aka bold colours and patterns and showing up on social media.
I’m deeply passionate about style, confidence, entrepreneurship and PR. I want all women to remember that they have the right to feel amazing and create the life they have always dreamt about.
What lights you up about your business?
I love seeing the results that I help my ladies to get, when they discover they have the power within themselves to overcome insecurities and to create the life they desire. They realise they can be and have what they want right now.
What do you get to do in your business that was not possible in your 9-5?
I like the creative side of my business. Creating style lookbooks or sharing Instagram moodboards is very fulfilling.
What daily habits do you without fail, that make a positive impact on your business day?
Journaling is my number one positive habit. I started journaling a few months ago and I can see what a massive difference it has made to my mindset.
Would you say you’re living the “freedom lifestyle” and how does it look and feel to you?
It’s still work in progress. I’m very ambitious and I often take on more than I can chew. My brain seems to never switch off as I juggle multiple projects at once.
I’m still learning how to switch off and take breaks. I’ve always been a workaholic so unplugging doesn’t come easily to me.
Where do you see your business in two years’ time?
I have big dreams for Her Style Hive. I’d like to create a community for women where they come together and be unapologetically themselves. My goal is also to host events and to write a book.
What’s the one piece of advice you’d like to give to a woman who’s considering starting a business, or who’s finding the initial set up of her business longer or a little trickier than expected?
Don’t compare yourself to others and stay true to who you are. As business owners, we often look at others and wonder why we can’t be as successful as them. You can’t compare your page 1 with someone’s page 1000.
What’s your favourite motivational phrase/quote/mantra?
My favourite quote is: “Obstacles are just detours in the right direction.”
This is something I remind myself of every time something doesn’t turn out the way I wanted.
Where can we see more about you and your delightful offerings?
My new website is currently under construction but you will be able to find me at here.
You can find also find me on: Instagram and Facebook.
And here’s my FREE Quickstart Guide to Doing Your Own PR.

It was wonderful hearing about you and your business on the Entrepreneur Spotlight, Izabela. Thank you for sharing with us, and my very best wishes to you for the future, Sharon xox

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