Entrepreneur Spotlight focuses on amazing ladies who are rocking their online businesses.
This week we have the magical, mindful mentor, Helen Rebello.
Hi Helen, What’s your business name and what’s your business all about?
My business is in evolution – I created The Tranquil Path to empower soulful women to find their path to living & working in a way that feeds their soul, expresses who they came here to be, and impacts positively upon the world. I brought the different elements of my work together under my own name in March 2018, so that I can serve more women than I’ve been able to before.
I’ve worked 1-to-1 with hundreds of lovely souls over the last 15 years and over time I realised they all had similar issues underlying their stress. Essentially they weren’t fully honouring who they were or living in alignment with that – instead they were over-giving, pushing, striving and breaking themselves to try and fit into a box that didn’t suit them.
I’ve developed my own signature M.A.G.I.C.A.L process, which takes them on a guided journey to discover who they are, what they’re here for, and then discover how they can create small daily steps towards the life they came here to live.
I like sharing spiritual concepts and self-optimisation solutions in a grounded, realistic, applicable and achievable way. The M.A.G.I.C.A.L process blends my eastern and western wellness training with movement, mindfulness, meditation & mindset tools. There might also be a little extra sprinkling of magic 😉
What was your “Big Why” that drove you to start your business?
I used to be a quiet, stressed-out, unfulfilled perfectionist and people-pleaser and as a result I followed my head and ‘shoulds’ into a career I hated almost instantly. As a result of not honouring what I really wanted to do, I got to the point where I was so depressed and anxious, I couldn’t face another Sunday night dreading Monday morning – so I created an escape plan.
That escape plan somehow magically evolved into my business. I call myself an ‘accidental entrepreneur’, because I didn’t consciously decide to start a business. I simply started following my heart by first training in Shiatsu… and then further training followed, which helped unlock my inherent gift of seeing other people’s unique light. The business side came much later, once I realised I was missing a few fundamental foundations!
I’ve lost two people in my life that died too young. This taught me that life is too short to spend it living in overwhelm, heading unaware to a destination you didn’t consciously set – and this started my mission to help 100,000 women live a fulfilling life they love.
What lights you up about your business?
I love giving people lightbulb moments – it makes my heart smile ☺ I also love creating a calm, safe space that enables women to explore, find deep connection, inspiration, and clarity within themselves. I love being a catalyst to help people see how awesome they are – helping them see their unique brilliance by holding up a virtual mirror to them that projects their potential right back at them.
I love the transformation that occurs when you work with someone that knows they’re destined for more, but have no idea where to start accessing it, and they suddenly see the potential and possibility within them. Once the light has been switched back on, they can’t go back – and then you simply sit and watch as their whole world opens up for them. It’s an incredibly rewarding thing to be able to do.
What do you get to do in your business that was not possible in your 9-5?
I get simple pleasure from things like having my hair however I want it (in the NHS my hair had to be ‘sensible’!), wearing yoga clothes all day, drinking coffee when I want and being able to make a fresh smoothie at lunchtime. I get to go out walking in the hills whenever my day allows, write, indulge my creativity, use my intuition when I work with clients, say yes and no to things as I choose, and construct my day as I want to. I surround myself with positive, uplifting people and rarely have to deal with angry or aggressive people!
What daily habits do you without fail, that make a positive impact on your business day?
Meditation is my number one positive daily habit. I’ve also been doing morning pages since November 2016 and I cannot recommend this highly enough, especially for creatives. It really keeps your mind focussed and it also ignites inspiration and ideas for posts, videos and courses.
I also do daily EFT and positive affirmations. I try to move my body daily – but if I’m honest, this is still a work in progress (even though I’m a trained yoga teacher!).
Would you say you’re living the “freedom lifestyle” and how does it look and feel to you?
I would – and having spent years working shifts and on-calls, I am hugely grateful for it. It took us a while to get here; both my husband and I are workaholics because we’re passionate about what we do, and not being able to have kids means we have no limits on our working days if we’re not careful. Consequently, we’ve now redesigned our work around what we want from life, after we both boxed ourselves in with too much work in the past. A year ago, we sold our house, his business, and relocated away from my 1:1 practice to live in an area that we both love.
We still work hard so that we can take big chunks of time off to travel each winter, and we also try to take short breaks throughout the year. We keep our lives as minimal as we can, so that we can go away when we want to, and we endeavour to design our working day around things that nourish us and keep us productive.
Where do you see your business in two years’ time?
I’d like to create a body of work, books and an online sanctuary space that helps women worldwide to live their lives wholeheartedly, with lightness, self-compassion, awareness, presence and joy, and do work that lights them up. My business will be location-independent and all being well, I’ll be co-teaching workshops and retreats alongside my lovely husband, as well as sharing my voice and messages as a speaker.
What’s the one piece of advice you’d like to give to a woman who’s considering starting a business, or who’s finding the initial set up of her business longer or a little trickier than expected, what would it be?
Firstly, make sure that they are building the right business – one that makes their heart smile – because if they are, they can trust that they’ll find the energy, patience and resources they need to succeed. They will also attract more clients when they’re working congruently.
They can test this by closing their eyes, placing their hand on their heart and asking themselves: ‘Am I on the right path?’ Our energy system knows what is right for us, so there’s no need to overthink this. If the answer is yes, they will feel a sense of expansion – if no, they will feel tightening or compression.
The right foundations are crucial – and they start with being true to yourself and what you want, before listening to external advice. Once you know you’re building the right thing, then you start getting the other pieces in place… but give yourself time and patience because it doesn’t happen overnight!
What’s your favourite motivational phrase/quote/mantra?
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do.”
~ Marianne Williamson
Thank you so much for taking part in the Entrepreneur Spotlight, Helen. Can’t wait to read your forthcoming book, which I’m sure will be a great success, My very best wishes to you for the future, Sharon xoxo
If you want to grow your business, check out this blog post: How to get the mix right for your winning business recipe