Entrepreneur Spotlight focuses on amazing ladies who are rocking their online businesses.
This week we have the freedom-lifestyle aficionado, and Pinterest expert, Amy Hardie.

Hi Amy, What’s your business name and what’s your business all about?
I’m Amy Hardie from Freedom Mamas. I help coaches, educators and freelancers to market their business and grow their email list using Pinterest.
What was your “Big Why” that drove you to start your business?
The drive to start my own business first struck me once I had my son six years ago. I wanted to have the freedom to be able to look after him and be around for him, but still do something for myself. Pretty soon afterwards, I decided that I wanted my business to be a vehicle to help other mums to have the same freedom I desired. At the time I didn’t know what that would look like. Pinterest has always come naturally to me, ever since I started planning my wedding in 2010 / 2011. It took me a long time to realise that Pinterest is my zone of genius, and how I could help other entrepreneurs use it more effectively.
What lights you up about your business?
I love it when clients, who don’t know anything about Pinterest, have a light bulb moment and see what an amazing tool it can be, and the positive impact it can have on their business. It’s such a time-efficient tool compared to other social media platforms, and much more effective at driving your ideal people to your website. I don’t think there’s any better gift than the gift of time, and I love being able to share that gift with people.
What do you get to do in your business that was not possible in your 9-5?
I get to make decisions based on my own values and vision which is a really empowering feeling. I am responsible for my future, so if I want it to be amazing, I have to be brave and take action.
What daily habits do you without fail, that make a positive impact on your business day?
If I’m honest, I don’t have any daily habits. I used to meditate but I have been really terrible at keeping that up recently. The reason I love Pinterest so much is that I schedule my content once a week and it goes out over the course of the week. So, that’s a weekly habit. I am trying to be more consistent on social media platforms, particularly Instagram stories, so that my followers can get to know me better.
Would you say you’re living the “freedom lifestyle” and how does it look and feel to you?
Yes I would. To me it has always been about spending time with my family, and that’s exactly what I get to do. I work when my son is at school and I plan and schedule my content in advance for the school holidays. We always spend our weekends out exploring the local countryside. I have a lot of gratitude for that.
Where do you see your business in two years’ time?
Right now I offer 1:1 Pinterest strategy sessions, but I would like to create an online course to help clients who can’t invest in 1:1. Other than that I’m going to keep my eyes open to what opportunities come my way.
What’s the one piece of advice you’d like to give to a woman who’s considering starting a business, or who’s finding the initial set up of her business longer or a little trickier than expected?
That was me – it took me years to figure out what my niche was because I had a serious case of imposter syndrome. If there’s something that you feel you’re good at, start small and build up. Take a course or two if you need to. I took a Pinterest course because I didn’t have confidence in myself. It turns out I knew pretty much everything in the course already, but I needed that validation before I felt comfortable invoicing clients.
What’s your favourite motivational phrase/quote/mantra?
A quote by Albert Einstein, “You never fail until you stop trying.”
Where can we see more about you and your delightful offerings?
You can find lots of blog posts and a freebie to help you get started with growing your email list using Pinterest on my website Freedom Mamas.
I have a free Facebook group dedicated to email list building called the Email List Building Lounge.
My Facebook page: Freedom Mamas and Instagram
And of course Pinterest.

It was wonderful hearing about you and your business on the Entrepreneur Spotlight, Amy. Thank you for sharing with us, and my very best wishes to you for the future, Sharon xox

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