Entrepreneur Spotlight: Linn Thorstensson

Jun 28, 2017 | Entrepreneur Spotlight

Entrepreneur Spotlight focuses on amazing ladies who are rocking their online businesses.

This week we have the lovely Linn Thorstensson, food blogger and nutritional therapist, with her special heart-centred and mindful twist.

Hi Linn, What’s your business name and what’s it all about?

My business is a food blog and a nutritional therapy service. I would describe my business as Straightforward Nutrition, Heartfelt Eating and Mindful Living.

My mission is to make cooking fun and creative, and eating nourishing and fulfilling.

I work with people from all over the world on a private 1:1 basis, and also through an online programme, for those who’d rather work on their own.

What was your “Big Why” that drove you to start your business?

I have many big WHYs… Initially, my own personal story with food, eating, nutrition and healing lead me to study nutrition, but my desire to help others heal their relationship with food, eating and body, and my passion for being my own boss and work on my own terms, are ultimately what keep me going.

What lights you up about your business? 

When one of my client’s has a breakthrough and really “gets it”, and also when they make changes from a place of care and compassion for themselves.

Making dietary and lifestyle changes are hard and it takes courage to change your mindset and habits.

What do you get to do in your business that was not possible in your 9-5?

I’ve never had a “traditional” 9-5 job, so I don’t know the answer to that really. Working for myself gives me the opportunity to do the things I love as well as make a difference in people’s lives. I love the flexibility of doing different things, which means most days are fresh and interesting.  No time to get bored that’s for sure!

What daily habits do you without fail, that make a positive impact on your business day?

I’ve started to be more intentional and consistent with my meditation practice. Being a nutritionist and a foodie, feeding myself well is top of mind. But that does slip occasionally!

Would you say you’re living the “freedom lifestyle” and how does it look and feel to you?

Yes and no. I love the flexibility and the ability to work a good bit of the time from home. I love that I can take a nap if I need it or take a few hours in the middle of the week to go for lunch with friends and catch up±

The downside is that you can’t guarantee how much money you’ll have in your bank account at the end of the week…

Where do you see your business in two years’ time?

Earning me a decent full-time living, with time to travel some and to continue to further my therapeutic skills.

If there was one piece of advice you’d like to give to a woman who’s considering starting a business, or who’s finding the initial set up of her business longer or a little trickier than expected, what would it be?

It takes longer than you think! Don’t be afraid to pivot and change, and embrace ALL aspects of the journey!

What’s your favourite motivational phrase/quote/mantra?

“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”

~ Dr Wayne Dyer

Where can we see more about you and your delightful offerings? 

Here are my hangouts:





Thanks for having me Sharon!


Loved your interview for Entrepreneur Spotlight, Linn. It’s wonderful how you are positively impacting and transforming people’s lives. With best wishes for your future success, Sharon xox

If you’ve been dreaming about starting your own online biz, then why not take the first step today with this guided visualisation...


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