So in day 3 you established what’s important to you – from the outset you’ll start to see what that means for your life right now, how feeding your core value/s with the attention and respect it deserves, will start to make your life flourish.
We’re now going to release some of the chatter which is jamming up that precious cognitive matter of yours. Day 3 is all about calm, banishing the overwhelm, and awakening your intuition so that you can explore your dreams, find your purpose, and follow your bliss!
ACTION STEP ONE: Click the link below and listen to today’s training.
ACTION STEP TWO: Complete the light meditation on the audio, then journal for a few minutes on one problem you’re currently stuck on. You can then put some beneficial “Me Time” into your diary, something de-stressing and relaxing.
ACTION STEP THREE: Head over to Facebook and share with us how you feel after your calming and reflective exercises. What revelations or aha moments did you have? What’s holding you back? What steps can you take now to help you with this? What was the “Me Time” you put into your diary?
I hope you enjoy completing today’s action steps. See you at the day two training tomorrow!
With Love,
If you want to take serious action on un-jamming your life, and get extreme clarity or more momentum with your personal or business goals and dreams, then sign up for a complimentary Discovery call with me now, where we’ll unravel your blockers and desires, and customise solid action steps to get you moving forward.